Restless resting

So, let’s be honest. I can be a pretty clumsy person at times – and ‘graceful’ is not really a word you’d use to describe me. But, this week at training (BJJ) I managed to clunk my way through one of my most clumsy, ungraceful moves yet....


Determination to push past my comfort zones and self-imposed restrictions has played a major role in my goal setting this year – and one of the biggest goals that I set myself was to start learning a martial art. When I first told my family that I wanted to...
Weight Loss Milestone – 70kgs/154lbs lost

Weight Loss Milestone – 70kgs/154lbs lost

Last week I finally hit my next weight loss milestone. That last kilo had been a particularly stubborn one, but I’m noticing that much more these days – the plateaus appear to be more frequent. I’ve now lost 70kgs/154lbs so far. Since this is the...


I’m still not really sure who she is. She looks back at me every day, but she’s different now. It started a few years ago. She started changing, and I knew we were drifting apart. She catches my glance every so often and the thoughts rush through my head....